July 2024: Letter from our Founder & CEO

Welcome aboard the inaugural flight of the Premiums for the Planet newsletter!

I'm bursting with excitement to share the incredible momentum our movement has gained. From media features to podcasts, panel guest spots to workshops and talks, our message is resonating far and wide. We've been hitting the ground running with countless business and investor pitches, early morning coffee meetings, and late-night strategy sessions with advisors who share our burning passion for this mission.

But one of the most exhilarating parts of this journey has been building our dream team. Most of you already know our Head of Partnerships Nick Gardner, who possesses an uncanny ability to forge connections that truly make a difference. Amber Dean is our rock as the Head of Operations, keeping us laser-focused on our goals while also reminding us to celebrate our wins and (quite literally) to stop and smell the flowers. And our dynamic Head of Marketing and Communications Damien Williamson translates the seemingly mundane intricacies of the insurance industry into impactful narratives.

Now, let's talk about the power we hold. As many of you now know, insurance might seem like just another dull administrative cost. But in reality it is a massive, hidden-in-plain-site opportunity to drive positive environmental and social change. With your help, we can transform billions in current, indiscriminate spending into a force for good, aligning your company's mission with real impact.

The best part? Unlike many sustainability solutions, joining our movement is simple, fast, and requires zero sacrifice. In fact, it enhances your existing insurance while turning it into a brand asset you can be proud of. By protecting your business, you'll also be protecting the planet – a classic win-win if there ever was one.

This newsletter is just a taste of what's to come. Stay tuned for exciting updates and ways you can get even more involved. And we’ll always keep it short and sweet.

Remember, together we are a force to be reckoned with. But to achieve our ambitious goals, we need to spread the word. Do you know someone who needs to hear our message? Please connect us with them! Scaling and scaling quickly is the only way to make the significant impact we’re all so desperately fighting for.

Thank you for being a vital part of this movement. Together, we can make a world of difference.

With immense gratitude,

Brad Stevenson

CEO, Premiums for the Planet


Event Photos: July Newsletter


Member Highlight: Q&A with Annie Nyborg of Peak Design